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Version: v0.2b

Create a Plan with Drivers

Here we will be showing how to use the Drivers List and the Plans Create endpoints to get your drivers' IDs and create a Plan with Drivers.

// We are using the axios library here to make requests from Node
const axios = require('axios')

// Set the API key
const apiKey = '<your-api-key>'

async function createPlanWithDriver() {
// Retrieve a list of existing drivers
let driversResponse = await axios.get(
auth: {
username: apiKey,

// The response will be similar to the following:
// {
// "drivers": [
// {
// "id": "drivers/abcd1234",
// ...
// },
// ...
// ],
// "nextPageToken": null
// }

// Get the ID of the first driver (this is an example, you can choose any other driver,
// just check their name and email to know what their ID is beforehand)
const driverId =[0].id

// Now use the returned ID in the plan request
const planData = {
title: 'Test',
starts: {
day: 31,
month: 5,
year: 2023,
drivers: [driverId],

// Now create the plan
let planResponse = await
auth: {
username: apiKey,

// This will return a response similar to the following:
// {
// "id": "plans/FQ95Ex714KYeojkeIm77",
// "title": "Test",
// "starts": {
// "day": 31,
// "month": 5,
// "year": 2023
// },
// "drivers": [
// {
// "id": "drivers/abcd1234",
// ...
// }
// ],
// ...
// }